richard avedon


My bunnies, can you believe another weekend has arrived? I hope you have plans to do something fabulous! I’ll be putting on my Martha hat (a.k.a. cleaning and organizing – do wish me luck, as my rubber gloves and I tend to quarrel) in preparation for some very special friends arriving later in the week. Let’s just say the words “Hell Rats unite” may be muttered. I’d say more, but then I’d have to kill you (oh wait, no I wouldn’t, I’ve just been watching way too many hours of 24). On that note, this week’s highlights as well as some favorite links from around the www.


The votes are in…

You crowned Anne Hathaway queen of the red carpet!

And in a surprise twist, 58% of you hated Michelle Obama’s McQueen frock. Including Oscar de la Renta. Which begs an interesting question, what do you think she should have worn?

I’m fawning over Sweet Stripes & Hearts & Polka Dots as I weather a serious hangover.

Speaking of, how darling is my friend Helen in this polka dot WHIT dress?

Valentine’s Day is a mere three weeks away, so I’m gathering inspiration. Great gift ideas coming soon!

I can’t wait to see this film.

I’m dying over model Arizona Muse’s VOGUE spread. That baby. That house. Those eyebrows!

Before we depart, can I make you a cocktail from my fabulous vintage rhino bar cart?




[Photo by Richard Avedon via The Old Photo Album]

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