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Amazing Audrey Hepburn Paintings

  When these amazing paintings of Audrey Hepburn popped into my inbox, I nearly lost my marbles. They’re by artist Sarah Ashley Longshore and are currently at the new Gallery Orange in New Orleans, Louisiana. Naturally, I had to contact Gallery Orange owner...

Audrey Hepburn’s Style Secrets

  Ever wonder what Audrey Hepburn’s style secrets were? She was the most beautiful, graceful woman to ever exist. Discover Audrey Hepburn’s style secrets and what she defined as beautiful. Famous Audrey Hepburn Poem/Quote For attractive lips, speak...

Say elloh to Audrey Hepburn

We’re in love, love, love with Audrey Hepburn and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so it should come as no surprise that we had to ban our self-imposed Etsy art ban to get our hands on RISD grad Ellen Lohse’s amazingly sweet prints. We’re already bummed...

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